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Disagreements with IDRlabs

1. Ti is deductive and Te is inductive

Jung and even IDRlabs themselves have said that "the logic is the same" between Te and Ti, meaning that "there is not one kind of logic for Te and another for Ti; it is the orientation and selection of the premises which are used to form judgments that are mirrored between Te and Ti, but the logic is the same." I'm not going to argue against the idea that on average Ti may be more deductive or that Te may be more inductive but, in IDRlabs' own words, "averages do not say anything about specific individuals."

2. Fe/Ti sees people as more similar while Te/Fi sees people as more different

This goes into a more broader issue that I touched upon in my Why I Care About IDRlabs Typology blog, stating "their axes theory kind of makes sense in a broad and subtle perspective, but it breaks down when considered more important than that." There are a lot of reasons why I said that (most of which I won't go into right now) but one of the reasons is that seeing people as more different or similar is ultimately a content (belief, opinion, conclusion, whatever word you want to use). I get it, they wanted to make the most out of Jung's theory, but in principle it's best to just stick to individual functions.

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