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On IDRlabs Typings

By S. Kim

Firstly, I want to acknowledge that I am well aware of the extensive research that IDRlabs typically conducts for their celebrity typings. I believe many people underestimate the amount of research IDRlabs did with regards to most of their typings, as they go above and beyond compared to other typological websites. Whether it was through studying biographies, books, interviews, or speeches, their approach to typing people is clearly more exhaustive than any other site I have come across. Even to this day, I have not found another website that comes close in terms of their thoroughness. When reading their articles or watching their videos explaining a celebrity's type, one gets the impression that their process is by no means flippant like most of the internet. Instead, it is comprehensive and thorough. The amount of work that IDRlabs (then CelebrityTypes) went into typing people was actually quite astounding, all things considered. As they themselves said, "the assessment process employed by this site relies on multiple information streams and cues to arrive at a type."

However, that doesn't mean, even within their own framework, that I have to agree with all of their typings (although I generally trust them, as most of their typings are at least supported by more substantial reasoning and evidence than most of the internet). Throughout its history, IDRlabs has made revisions to their typings. For instance, they initially typed Stephen Colbert as an ENTP for years until he took a test and identified as an INFP, and while test results are something we should always be skeptical about with regards to a person's type, this prompted them to reconsider and ultimately modify his typing to INFP after reviewing his interviews, which ultimately appeared more fitting (and I agree with them that Colbert is INFP after watching many of his interviews myself). So even if their methodology is arguably the best I've come across from a typology site, they are still susceptible to occasional mistypes. Here is a list of my opinions on IDRlabs typings of the people I am familiar enough with:

• In agreement with IDRlabs:

Richard Feynman: ENTP
Barack Obama: ENTP
Terry Gilliam: ENTP
Stephen Fry: ENTP
Camille Paglia: ENTP
David Cronenberg: INTP
Bill Gates: ENTJ
Penn Jillette: ENTJ
Ted Kaczynski: INTJ
Osho: ENFP
Milo Yiannopoulos: ENFP
Fidel Castro: ENFP
Orson Welles: ENFP
George Carlin: ENFP
Oliver Stone: ENFP
Ricky Gervais: ENFP
Jack White: ENFP
P. J. O'Rourke: ENFP
Robert Smith: INFP
Tori Amos: INFP
Thom Yorke: INFP
Morrissey: INFP
David Lynch: INFP
Louis C.K.: INFP
Stephen Colbert: INFP
Neil deGrasse Tyson: ENFJ
Zack de la Rocha: ENFJ
Richard Nixon: ISTJ
Robert De Niro: ISTJ
Gerald Ford: ESFJ
Alicia Keys: ESFJ
Theodore Roosevelt: ESTP
Andrew Jackson: ESTP
Franklin D. Roosevelt: ESTP
Donald Trump: ESTP
George W. Bush: ESTP
Lyndon B. Johnson: ESTP
Sasha Grey: ESTP
Steve Jobs: ISTP
Frank Zappa: ISTP
Stanley Kubrick: ISTP
Eminem: ISTP
Karl Pilkington: ISTP
Ronald Reagan: ESFP
Richard Branson: ESFP
Mark Cuban: ESFP
Tony Robbins: ESFP
Tyler the Creator: ESFP
Frank Ocean: ISFP
Audrey Hepburn: ISFP

• IDRlabs typings I'm skeptical of:

Elizabeth Olsen: ENTP
Matthew Perry: ENTP
Joe Biden: ENFJ
Jerry Seinfeld: ENFP
Dana White: ESFP
Will Smith: ESFP
Hugh Hefner: ESFP

• In disagreement with IDRlabs:

Gwen Stefani: ENFP –> ESFP
Carly Rae Jepsen: ENFP –> ESFP
Björk: INFP –> ISFP

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