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My Typings (That Are Not on IDRlabs)

By S. Kim

The following are my assessments of celebrity types that have not been typed on IDRlabs. For my assessment of celebrities types that are on there, check this:

Alanis Morrisette: ENFP
Sinead O'Connor: INFP
Steve Coogan: INFP
Christoph Waltz: ISTJ
Graham Norton: ESFJ
Joe Rogan: ESTP
Lily Allen: ESTP
Aubrey Plaza: ISTP
Bill Burr: ISTP
Warren G. Harding: ESFP
Jack Black: ESFP
Rachel Scott: ESFP
Dido: ISFP

Bare-Bones Descriptions of the Functions

By S. Kim

Se: Dynamic relationship with actuality

Ne: Dynamic abstract association

Si: Archived relationship with actuality

Ni: Archived abstract association

Te: Mechanics-based evaluating integrated with external factors

Fe: Sentiment-based evaluating integrated with external factors

Ti: Mechanics-based evaluating insulated from the external

Fi: Sentiment-based evaluating insulated from the external

All else (beliefs, ideas, behaviors, interests, fears, etc.) is incidental and do not pertain directly to the functions themselves

Bill Clinton

To start things off, IDRlabs suggests that social psychologists are projecting their intellectual interest onto Clinton due to his high IQ,...